
With a “training DNA” that spans decades and continents, a modern martial arts school (that honors the best aspects of ancient disciplines) called the KujuuJutsu Institute began its formal technical curriculum at a location deep in the heart of downtown Toronto. That school recently shifted out to Toronto’s northernmost edge, Thornhill.

Who is the KujuuJutsu technical system geared towards?
3 basic groups…

First, for physical novices and those who have never trained in a martial art before (“fresh canvases” ready in spirit, with an untapped physical expression) and are looking for the best possible start in an ultra-technical discipline that targets all areas of mental, physical, and technical training…

Second, for those who have trained in some form of martial art (or some other physical art, sport or discipline) before and are looking to expand every area of their mental, physical, and technical development…to undo “damage” done (ineffective techniques, effort-wasting practices, wrongly-taught, self-injurious, self-destructive movement) through any improper or incomplete former training, and for them to go beyond where they think they are now…

And third, for those who have a similar history of practice as that second group, but believe they have reached some level of comfort and satisfaction with their current level of movement and physical expression, and who are looking to add onto and refine their training “under a microscope” to get to the heart of the “best effective physics” they can learn to generate, and to grow and polish aspects of mental, physical and technical mastery…

…so basically, everybody!

Classes range from youth and adult, to professional.
As a modern school, there is no distinction made based on gender…males and females are taught and train together. Any school that advertises “women’s only classes” is attempting to cash in on reinforcing pathetic stereotypes. FACT.
Women are not only welcome, but are treated as (and are expected to perform as) equals to peers with similar physical capability (and above, in order to further facilitate effective physicality) within the walls of the KujuuJutsu Institute. A university textbook on physics has no section concerning gender, does it?

Prospective students from across the GTA and visiting guests from around the world are invited to sign up for classes, and engage in a positively life-changing experience by training in the K.I. dojo…training guaranteed to affect change in your life by leveling you up in ways beyond your expectations…

See you at the Institute! OSU!